It’s Onion Season!

Vidalia is a town that embraces onions, and during the Georgia Tandem Rally Pre-tour they embraced us too! We loved them and they loved us back.

22 couples joined us in the home of the Vidalia Onion for three days of riding, eating and fun. We kicked things off with a remote start from Big Al’s Country Market with plans to lunch there afterwards.

All together before getting underway
Big Al’s has new branding!

Before the ride, Roger and I had made a stop at Bill’s donuts to pick up some treats for a rest stop at the 16-mile mark.

Set up and awaiting customers!
You know this was my pick.

Lunch after the ride was fried chicken perfection, although we ate as they were running out of some of the most popular items. Roger and I had the same traditional southern fare.

Greens, Mac ‘N Cheese, Fried Chicken

The first day of the pre-tour was very busy. A visit to the Onion Museum was our next event.

We all learned about the labor intensive planting, growing, harvesting process. And were introduced to the very famous Yumion.

Dinner was at the Rialto Italian Eatery, home to great food and wine slushies!

Almost everyone enjoyed some authentic Italian food for dinner.

The portions were tremendous and many of us took leftovers back for lunch the next day.

After dinner we visited the Onion fountain – because, why not?

The Onion theme is everywhere, from water towers to police cars – ya gotta love it!

The next morning we got a HUGE surprise. I was looking out our window when I saw YUMION walking over from the Onion Museum to our hotel.

I snapped this “spy photo” from upstairs!

Our riders were ecstatic to see Yumion and he (?) seemed to enjoy posing with everyone who wanted a picture.

So exciting to “meet” the real deal!

He got on the tandem but passed on going for a ride as we didn’t have an appropriate helmet to protect his noggin or whatever it is!

Mayor Doug Roper welcomed us to Vidalia.
Yumion counted down to the ride start and we were off!
Convenience store rest stop for many of the couples.

After the ride, a group of 8 couples made the (longish) trek to the banks of the Altahama River to visit Benton Lee’s. Most of us ordered the steak, their specialty.

It wasn’t a “banquet” but we did have our own private room.
Quite the generous portion…no one left hungry!

There was one more short ride and then we packed up and moved out of Vidalia.

The full (Flower) moon watched over us as we finished the pre-tour!

Next up, 22 teams travel to Dublin to meet up with 41 more couples at the Georgia Tandem Rally.

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2 thoughts on “It’s Onion Season!

  1. Looks like you had a wonderful time! Yumion was so cute! Glad you made it home safely! Maddie missed you but was so happy to get her treat when you got home!🤣🤣

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